Passion: a) the emotions as distinguished from reason. b) intense, driving, or overmastering feeling (Back)
Intent: directed with strained or eager attention. (Back)
Dimension: the range over which or the degree to which something extends. (Back)
Implied: indication by necessary consequence rather than by direct expression (Back)
Moment: a) a time of excellence. b) importance in influence or effect: notable or conspicuous consequence. c) a stage in historical or logical development. (Back)
Friction: a force tangential to the common boundary of two bodies in contact that resists the motion or tendency to motion of one relative to the other. (Back)
Chance: a) the assumed impersonal purposeless determiner of unaccountable happenings. b) something that happens unpredictably without discernible intention or observable cause. (Back)
Relationship: a particular kind of connection existing between things having dealings with one another. (Back)
Confidently: Characterized by assurance : full of convtction : certain (Back)