Unifying Factor
Introduction During a four year collegiate association two of the main characters, Carlos Fontana (poet) and Gilbert Shasta (mathematician), chat their way through a different view of life based on a very simple concept: everything in life, from the smallest divisible particle, to the all inclusive Universe, have their own independent intent vectors. This is the same as saying:
a young man needs a job (this is his intent vector), while over there
an established company needs to find another worker (that's their intent
vector). The resultant convergence of their relationship either provides
a mutual solution or results in a frictional breakdown. The
Unifying Factor "Character is a self-definition
of relational associations; even with the very small (protons, gluons,
quarks...) this is an important fact. In life this is as simple as saying:
"That's just the way they are." ---> In Matrimatics it's
about orders of magnitude. |
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