


Before there was a Big Bang - before there was anything of any sort - there was passion without content.

(Before this, there do be God(s) or dragons!)

Short-box #1
Passion is as Passion does
Yet at the beginning
`t was nary a feeling
not even a buzz
Barely there 'cause nothing else was.

It was a trickle, a tickle, a phenomena ever so fickle.

For ages untold, in times when there was none, Passion existed without need, curiosity, definition, awareness, intent, will, direction, nor any definitions of space. With all that emptiness time could have been but a moment, and so it was. From one moment to the next (for we measure time by events) Passion found something it did not fathom. And by it's nature Passion CREATED intent even though that intent had no focused direction.

(Was this the beginning of space? - That depends on how you define the word dimension.)

In its wild unleashing of intent, Passion, found itself in a swirl of dimensions that were not of spatial definition. They were merely the implications of Passion's present behaviors. It did not understand these dimensions nor did it care. It simply was.

Eons passed between these "implied" moments and the moments passed as eons themselves. -> Discovery comes slow to those who do not understand.

Short-box #2
Full of intent
knowledge unneeded
implications abound
completely unheeded

(Eons! If it weren't for the passing of moments, time would not -does not- exist.)

As each moment passed something strange began to happen, intent vectors began to appear. -> At first they were barely the flow of Passion's attention from one strange implication to the next. (This was the creation of another implication: discovery.) But as Passion repeatedly re-experienced each implication they slowly began to become more and more real to it.

Even so it still did not understand that it existed.

(Maybe because it was all that did exist. Maybe because understanding is not necessary for an act of passion.)



Replication (page two)

Confirmation (page three)

Before the Beginning (epilogue home)

Links Page





© 2003 justinsworld / Flatworld. All rights reserved.