


Replication was an explosion of events that encompassed whole millennia as if they were nanoseconds in an hour.

And nothing filled the time between moments.

Short-box #3
Discovery implied in any first action
implications became a kind of attraction
until all discovered,
then lost was satisfaction.

Passion experienced the Implications of itself until it began to recognize them, expect them, use them to define pathways (intent vectors) to other Implications. Until there was nothing left to discover. Until boredom set in. Until frustration was discovered and played with, until it had enough.

(Is passion all that's required for action?)

At this point, though Passion could experience itself, it did not know that any kind of motion has consequences. -> Even the theoretical motion implied by the experience of discovery.

(Jumping to a conclusion, making the leap to understanding, getting the joke; we say these things and never recognize that the journey in our heads has distance too. Even if that distance can only be described as: moments of time to acquire understanding.
Time = Distance ->
The clock continues to tick while you solve the puzzle / equation. - The world is no longer where it was when you first sat down to think.)

Short-box #4
Passion alone is a kind of a fire
Left to it's own it would only grow higher
All was implied and nothing of matter
what could go wrong, crack, or spatter?

But it's not the distance that has consequences here it was the implication of Passion moving from one experience to another that was creating a kind of "implied" friction.

(Did friction originate as a relationship between Passion and Nothingness? Did it initiate as Passion's discovery of itself <- Or did those implied relationships suggest, friction, as the exchange media for dynamic relationships? -> Is friction the default state of unattended relationships? Or is it the defining vehicle of all relationships?)

Chance was there too, always lurking "outside" the control of the only thing in existence.

Motion implied
Chance outside
Friction the match that ignites it

Without the apparatus of senses Passion never knew the fire that burned from within. This fire started with frustration as a smoldering burn and escalated up and up. Every time Passion exercised the moments to know of itself the fire from within would grow. Every time it intended the search for the experience of discovery the fire burned hotter. And every time it found nothing new the fire grew two times it's current dimension. By the time Passion collided with chance, it was the biggest chance it ever had, and the fire from within replicated Passion into infinity. - But of coarse even a single replication was a new definition of infinity.

Short-box #5
The fire within raged ever higher
With no where to go and all that desire
It "spit itself out" as if that was required.


What is pain without senses? What is knowing without thought? - - -> (What the hell ... just happened?) ?

It was all about the intent vectors:

An Implication (of this sort) provides no fuel for fire; the intent vectors only became more and more fixed with each passionate repetition ->"burned" into "memory." In the end it was about how Passion's limited definition of itself had no other way or means to deal with a concept it could not understand: pressure. -> But it could ... stutter.

-> It was as if Chance finally said, "Come this way." <-

(Was there any other way to go?)

(Is chance an outside force, or is it a "further inner" dialogue that expresses itself?)

(If there is no space and a thing which is not "there" splits, does it go anywhere? - does a thought have space? -> E=MC2?)


Once Passion replicated once it continued to replicate over and over (...as if it were in the throws of passion...) Each convulsion of Passion only produced one exact replica (a package of Implications) and each new replication further filled infinity.


Short-box #5
Caught up in repeating patterns already started Passion cloned its' infinity
yet never once parted.

...Infinity was growing... internally


Confirmation (page three)

Passion (page one)

Before the Beginning (Epilogue home)

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