The Last Great Gasp (part 1)

Teaser page list below.


A Beginning / An Ending / Introduction / M-1's Personal Note / Conception




[Time Stamp: 01/22/2928 22:14:53:28 - revision 2,501]


It is the year 2928 and I am the narrator of this story. My given name was Michael Matthew Markum. It has been 469 years since anyone has referred to me in that manner. I acquired the label M-1 at the self-assured age of thirty-one, after my first robotic creation blew up in what was once my face. Only news reports ever addressed me as M-1; Mike, or "M" were the most often used labels. I've not heard either of them spoken for over 137 years. Not since I learned several of my creations' started an exclusive community they call ATII. --- I still don't feel like talking about that.

Fortunately I don't need companionship; my life has always been solitary. I found a quiet little planet isolated from everyone and I've been cultivating it ever since I arrived. My only companion on this planet I call Heart is a creature named BUB. I say companion but the fact is I've only seen this creature once, twenty years ago. And yet several weeks past BUB downloaded a large bundle of information into my hardware while I was ... sleeping? I have no idea why it chose to give me this history surreptitiously. Nor why it chose to do so now. It is a most independent, elusive, and fascinating creature.

BUB is a creature of pieces, or it was. I am not sure how much I truly understand about it now. I have been dreaming, no not dreaming, remembering? I have been remembering images of BUB undergoing a transformation. I think it happened here not too far from this shelter. It is a furious memory, sharp, severing, and deadly. As I hold onto that memory I have found a thread that stretches back from that moment some 626 years to a moment no human is capable of remembering. The moment the very first automated intelligence was born. And that is also the beginning of the true story behind The Great Reset.

The many histories told about The Great Reset have always been in conflict with one another. But time has managed to reduce the passionate outrage, loss of life and property to a game of speculation. The facts, by my estimation, were quelled from the very start, while all the possible public data on the subject was jumbled by the electromagnetic (EM) pulse.

But that is just over the half of it. BUB has shown me so much more. First there is a small pool of information on the mathematical discipline called Matrimatics: A magazine article called The Unifying Factor written by the co-author of Matrimatics, Carlos Fontana. And several scientific articles written by Dr. Gilbert Shasta, the creator of Matrimatics. All of these published before the day of Reset.

According to my data Dr. Gilbert Shasta and his Matrimatics were in part responsible for the creation of a self realized program. And, if I understand that same data correctly, Dr. Shasta’s Matrimatics was also responsible for that program’s supposed demise.

Matrimatics was banned from public knowledge after The Great Reset. However in 2129 a grass roots humanized version of that mathematical discipline became a fad which grew into a cult. I believe that cult still survives in human society. When I was familiar with it, it was called Sub Quantum Sociology. If you know something of its principals you will find understanding BUB a little easier.

Lastly, and most perplexing to understand, is a point of view on the universe taught to me through BUB. It is the view of an interior world. A world that has always been there underpinning the reality we all know and live with every day. That world has a very big impact on the success of the first automated awareness program.



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